PECO XC Junior Relay 2025
The PECO Junior Cross Country League end of season relay race
A chance to race cross country as part of a team with your club mates! Put together a team of 3 runners to complete this relay race around Bramley Fall Park in Leeds. You and your team mates can enter and compete in one of the following categories: * Under 9 Boys / Open (all 3 runners under 9 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-4); mixed boys and girls teams allowed) * Under 9 Girls (all 3 runners under 9 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-4); all 3 runners must be girls) * Under 11 Boys / Open (all 3 runners under 11 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-6); mixed boys and girls teams allowed) * Under 11 Girls (all 3 runners under 11 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-6); all 3 runners must be girls) * Under 13 Boys / Open (all 3 runners under 13 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-8); mixed boys and girls teams allowed) * Under 13 Girls (all 3 runners under 13 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-8); all 3 runners must be girls) * Under 16 Boys / Open (all 3 runners under 16 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-11); mixed boys and girls teams allowed) * Under 16 Girls (all 3 runners under 16 on 31/08/2024 (usually school years 2-11); all 3 runners must be girls) Entry is limited to 100 teams, so get your entry in now. Please note that there will be strictly no entries taken on the day: only online entries will be accepted.
Results for the PECO XC Junior Relay 2025 were last updated on Sunday, 9 March 2025 10:39.
- Distance:
- 3 x 1 Miles
- Type:
- Cross Country
- Profile:
- Undulating
- Laps:
- 3
- Entry limit:
- 120
- Remaining places:
- 27
- Race licence:
- CC2024/1377
- Not suitable for wheelchairs
- No water stations
- No distance markers
- No toilets
- No changing facilities
- No showers
- No baggage store
- Race HQ:
- Bramley Fall Park, near the car park on the B6157
Please park sensibly and legally. Do NOT park on Pollard Lane.
All members of the team MUST have been issued with a race number for the PECO XC Junior League 2024-25. It is not a requirement for a team member to have run in all the 'regular season' races. Once you have entered a team, you will be able to edit the entry information (i.e. change team members and/or team running order) up until 10.00pm on Thurs 6th March.