Race Calendar

Harmony Energy Harrogate Junior Fun Run 2025

29 Jun 2025

Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Starts: 09:00
Distance: 1 Miles
Entry Fee: £3.00

A fun, safe run of approx.1 mile

The Harmony Energy Run Harrogate 10K race will again be preceded by the Harmony Energy Junior Fun Run, for those in school years 2-9 (those in Yr 10 but still under 15 may also enter). All participants will receive a specially designed medal. The route is a new, traffic-free, out-and-back course. We've taken out most of the hills, to make it even more fun, but it still starts and finishes in front of the HSFC clubhouse so participants will be cheered off and back over the line by the crowd! Responsible adults are welcome to run round with their child or children (but you won't be eligible for a medal - sorry!). If not full, entry on the day will be available from 08:00. All proceeds from the Kids Fun Run will be donated to Candlelighters https://www.candlelighters.org.uk/


Harrogate Harriers & AC

c/o HSFC
Hookstone Wood Road


1 Miles
Multi Terrain
Entry limit:
Remaining places:
Race licence:
Not suitable for wheelchairs


  • Toilets
  • No water stations
  • No distance markers
  • No changing facilities
  • No showers
  • No baggage store
Race HQ:
Harrogate Sports & Fitness Club, Hookstone Wood Road, Harrogate HG2 8PN

Neither the organisers nor their official photographer will take any photographs of the event. We would ask that any photographs taken by yourself, family members or friends are kept for personal use and would discourage you from posting these on social media. If you do post on social media, please respect the privacy of other children participating in the event and do not allow their images to appear with those of your own children. Permission for each child or young person to take part must be given by a responsible adult, who must remain present at the event for the entire duration of the run. Please assure yourself that each child you are giving permission for is physically fit enough to take part in the activity. It is your responsibility to let the organisers know if the child needs any additional assistance, for example because of a disability, or if there is anything else that the organisers should be aware of (including medical conditions and allergies). Forms for this purpose will be available at the registration desk on the day of the race. Parents/carers must make arrangements for children to be brought to and from the activity safely and on time. During the event the child’s responsible adult remains responsible for the participant’s safety. Parents/carers/responsible adults should ensure children taking part have sufficient water, food, clothing, sun lotion and medication (where appropriate) for the duration of the activity. The organisers cannot take responsibility for any damage to clothing and/or personal items that occurs during the activity.

By completing the entry process for each child, the responsible adults agrees that: • The child taking part in the stated activity is physically fit enough to do so. • The child may be given any necessary medical treatment in an emergency. Qualified medical support to the event is being provided by AED Medical. • The organisers will retain this form for an appropriate period, for health and safety reasons. If you have any questions about how the forms will be stored or used, please contact the organisers via events@harrogate-harriers.com. • The child taking part will follow the behaviour code and safety rules/instructions of race officials, for the safety of themselves and others taking part in the event. • As the parent/responsible adult of the named participant, I hereby waive and release on behalf of the child, any and all claims, and causes of action, or liabilities which may hereafter accrue against Harrogate Harriers and AC by reason of the child’s participation in the event, including any and all claims for personal injuries caused by Harrogate Harriers. In addition, I accept full responsibility for the care and supervision of the child during the event.

Entry Fees

The prices below include race fees, card charges and admin; there are no hidden extras.

Junior price£3.00

Assuming this event does not sell out, entry on the day will be available at no additional cost.
ENTER NOW to guarantee your place.

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  • William Scott
  • Lewis Plowright

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